Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What is Your Purpose in Life?

How many times in life have you thought to yourself, “What is my purpose in life?” “How can I find what I’m passionate about?” “What am I supposed to be doing with my life?” “I’m better than what I’m doing right now with my life, how can I change and become more?”

These are very common questions we’ve all asked ourselves at some point in our lives, and many have struggled with. So what are the answers? How do we find the answers?

Here’s a list of questions to ask yourself to help you figure out the first step in the process:

1.  What are your external goals in life, and are your goals really YOUR goals, or someone else’s?
First off, do you even have goals set for your life? Do you want to be successful? Have a nice house? A Great Family? Are you dreaming big enough or just settling into the societal standards of every-day life? How did you set your goals? Did YOU come up with your goals in life or did you get them from your parents or the media?

2. Now that you know your external goals, what are your true internal goals in life?
The true goal behind what we choose to pursue in life is often the simple internal goal of “to be happy.”
3. Flip your goal up-side-down.
So if our true internal goal in life is to simply “be happy,” how is this achieved? Maybe we should simply try to turn our goals around. Achieve the internal goals first, then the external goals become much easier. We have to become happy with ourselves before we can really achieve anything spectacular in life.

Learning how to become happy and confident with ourselves is the true key to success. Only after this goal is achieved can we truly begin to figure out our purpose in life.

Ok, so now we have our goals figured out, next let’s begin to put together a purpose for ourselves….

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Why do People Choose to Work a Business From Home?

It's Monday morning and you hit the ground running, so excited to go to your job and make a difference in someone's world. This is how I wake up every day, but the majority of Americans today actually don't like their jobs. In fact, some studies have found that 87% of Americans absolutely hate their jobs.

Today, I work for myself from my home because I found the Work From Home Industry by accident. However, most people work for someone else, and most of them do not find their jobs rewarding and fulfilling. This fact is leading many Americans to my industry, the Home Based Business Industry,  causing the home based business industry to absolutely explode.

2 of the Main Reasons Home Businesses are Exploding include:
- More people than ever are looking for extra income
- More people hate their jobs, feel trapped and are looking for a way out
(Before I found this industry, this is absolutely how I felt.)

So what is the Perfect Business to Work From Home? Did you know that every single week:
- 1 Million people search online for "Work from Home" opportunity
- 200,000 people start a network marketing business

So why does Robert Kiyosaki endorse Network Marketing as the Perfect Business?